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....and many other thoughts about facilitation, coaching ( teams & individuals) and learning


  • David

RAC – Making it a habit to evolve….

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

I am now in the Shanghai Pudong airport waiting for my delayed plane to Hong Kong. I will have around 2 hours to spend. Luckily I find a new cafe in the airport which I can enjoy the power supply and free wireless internet access!! I am happy. See the quick photo on the left taken here on spot.

I finished another one day course today in Shanghai before rushing to the airport. Here are the details:

  • Course: An one day soft skills course

  • Date: 26 Oct 2007

  • Location: Another cloudy day in Shanghai, China

  • # of Participants: 18

  • I am feeling: Good

I think the course today went well. At least I saw quite a few nodding heads throughout the day. I have been 'evolving' the delivery of this course bit by bit since I acquired it one year ago. For example, whilst I keep the same learning points at the end, I changed how the activities are run to suit better the local participants here. I gained insight of how to change the delivery better after each delivery experience. Compared with the course done 2 days earlier, I should put more effort and make more change to that one. You got to evolve the course! And you got to make it as a habit!

I always think that trainer is a ‘dangerous’ career in the sense that you can be outdated easily. And when bad economy comes, training department is often one of the most ‘vulnerable’ one…… If you are an outdated trainer, you will be let go the first.

The main reason of easily being outdated is that feedback on performance does not come easily. No one outside the training room knows what happens inside. Once the door is closed, you are like in another world. On the other hand, the L1 feedback is a ‘happy’ sheet in most of the case. So, you got to seek aggressively for feedback and be critical about yourself!!

For now, I got to go and check whether my flight is good to go!!

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