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....and many other thoughts about facilitation, coaching ( teams & individuals) and learning



RAC - Timing

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

  • Course: An intensive boot-camp for Sales

  • Date: 3-7 Dec 2007

  • Location: A very cold weather in Shanghai, China

  • # of Participants: 24

  • I am feeling: OK

This 5-day class ended on Friday. I am pretty confident that the course has equipped most (those who are willing to learn) with much better working knowledge to deal with their daily challenges. In this course, I acted not only as a trainer for a few sessions but also a coordinator for the whole class.

Anyway, let’s look at the class experience for learning. It happened on Friday – the last day. In one morning session, the participants raised a question to a speaker about Cash Clearing. I listened to the answer and I thought I can add some more useful perspectives given my previous experience in Cash Management. I however chose not to share it during the session in order not to undermine the speaker. I decided to do it in the afternoon when I would have my own session with the participants.

As the afternoon started, I thought to myself whether I should do it before their final course assessment or after. I could see that they were all ready for the assessment. They were flipping through the material and chatted a lot what the assessment would look like. So, I decided not to disturb their thought by adding new information to them at that time. I thought I may as well do it after the final assessment.

I was wrong. When I tried to bring out the issue of Cash Clearing after the assessment, I did not find any interest any the participants. They were packing, looking outside the window, checking the watches….. It was a bad timing to bring out additional learning after the ending ritual like final assessment.

In short, if you want to bring out anything at the end, do it before the ending ritual. A good example is – Do not do the evaluation at the very end. Always tell them ‘Before our last activity, I would like you all to spend some 10 minutes give us feedback by completing this form….’

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