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....and many other thoughts about facilitation, coaching ( teams & individuals) and learning


  • David

Singapore TTT - Complete the sentence

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

One great thing about Singapore is the food, especially the local one. I went out with a few other facilitators for fish ball noodle a few times. It was cheap and great. The fish ball in Shanghai is so disappointing!! Apart from fish ball, I also had the curry crab, and a wonderful meal in a very authentic Cantonese restaurant called Wah Lok in the Carlton Hotel.

Here is another piece of learning from the same facilitator I mentioned in the last post. It is about how to warp up a session before proceeding to another one. The common ways are like facilitator summarizing the key points, facilitators asking openly ‘What was covered in this session?’ or 'Tell me one key learning point from this session', etc.

I observed something different in the Singapore TTT. At the end of his session about Feedback, the facilitator asked ‘Now, each of you have to complete a sentence. And the sentence will start with “Feedback is….”. You got to complete the sentence. And each of you will share with us.’

I found it a great way to warp up the session. It is not so much about what the sentences turn out to be. It is about the learners are compelled to review the session as they are composing the session. Simple and unconventional activity, but goal achieved!!

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