I am intrigued as I heard a colleague explaining what reflection really means. I have not really thought about it, and I like her definition. I got to make a note here.
‘Reflection is not about re-telling or summarizing. Reflection is about not about reviewing which means summarizing and evaluating. Reflection is abut the question ‘What does the experience mean to me?’
It is more elaborated than how Oxford Dictionary defines it – ‘Reflection = Serious thought or consideration’. Perhaps the ‘What does the experience mean to me?’ version is more applicable in the learning context.
Relating to this, we had this conversation on the topic of Reflection in a very reflection-friendly venue. There are a lot of space for individual or group jointly to talk about ‘What does the experience mean to me?’ To be more specific:
There are a lot of quiet corners or rooms with chairs or sofas in circle
Natural light is available in most rooms
The interior décor (lines and colours) is ‘clean’ and simple
There is a library full of business books
The venue is next to the nature – a forest and a stream
But most importantly, there was no other group in the same building. I am talking about the big barn (in the picture above) with just some 30 of us. (I subsequently learnt that the place has a policy of renting out the a building only to one group.)
All the above provide ‘white space’ for the participants to reflect on or have dialogue together.
What if one day I can build one like this in Shanghai or Hong Kong!?
